Medical Office Locks Hamilton
Hamilton Locksmith 647-866-0956
Medical Office Locks Hamilton
There are two types of medical offices:
One would be a standalone and the other would be part of a medical office building. The office door locks and internal security would be exactly the same. The only difference would be if the office is part of a medical office building. In this case the security of the locks and the building’s external door security would be the responsibility of the building owner or manager.
A medical office has a lot to secure, such as medical records that will contain names, addresses, birth dates and social security numbers of all their patients. There could also be limited amounts of drugs and medical equipment including computers. There are great incentives for doctors to convert their offices to electronic records, but until they do they could be liable if identify theft occurs at their practices.
The first line of defense is the exterior doors.
They should all have a good quality high security lock with limited keys. The office should have a high tech alarm system with video and audio recording that is monitored. All windows and doors should be monitored. Exterior surveillance cameras and waiting room cameras should be considered.
The doors to the doctor’s office, drug room and records room should also have high security locks installed. These keys should be limited and accounted for. Any file cabinets containing patient information should be locked. If the office has its own computer servers, they should be in a separate “server room” and that room should be secured with a high security lock. Medical personnel should be limited as to what rooms they have access to.
If the office has a medical software system, they should provide training as to password security and other measures to protect patient data hosted on their servers. Generally speaking each user should have their own user name and password. The systems should require password changes at least twice a year. Any logins should be tracked. Users should be limited to what they have access to, they should only have the access necessary to perform their jobs. If using a computer in the patient exam rooms they should be logged off unless medical personnel is in the room with a patient. A patient should never be left alone in a room with medical records on the screen, even their own.
A medical office has very valuable information that it needs to protect, patient information and identity.
Calling a Hamilton Locksmith For Lock Installations
The process of getting through each day as quickly as possible keeps many people too preoccupied to remember every detail all the time. Sometimes he will forget his cell phone; sometimes she will forget her coffee thermos on the hood of her car; sometimes he will forget to turn off the sprinklers; and, sometimes she will forget to move her car for street cleaning day. But something that is universal to many more people than the forgettable details of a particular person’s life is the loss of one keys, which can happen from locking them inside of an office, home, vehicle or container of some kind. This absent minded moment or slip of the hand that closed the door before he or she was ready can easily be remedied by the security training of a professional locksmith. But they do a little bit more than pick locks for forgetful people.
A locksmith is trained to perform a multitude of security-related tasks. On one hand, he or she installs, services, unlocks and replaces a variety of locks. They work with standard indoor locks, car doors, deadbolts, mechanical and electronic devices. They respond to non-emergencies for lock installation and emergencies for lockout scenarios. This is when they need to modify or replace the locks or re-key those locks with new metal keys, key cards and key codes if the owner has lost their set, it was accidentally locked or the lock is malfunctioning in some way.
On the other hand, a locksmith can also install and perform maintenance on electronic alarms and surveillance systems. They are trained technicians who are capable of specifying, designing, installing and servicing a range of electronic safety, controlled access systems as well as closed circuit television for monitoring. The fact is, as more and more electronic locking and security systems are combined with electronic devices, computers and company networks, a locksmith has to learn to integrate their knowledge of hardware with software in order to continue to provide seamless lock protection for the every individual client and company they serve.